How To Make Content Marketing More Productive For You

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You might feel like you are never really done when it comes to content marketing. And to a certain extent that may be true because it is a crucial and time-consuming process. However, content marketing doesn’t have to feel like a burden because there are ways you can be super-productive. So it doesn’t really matter whether you are taking the help of content writing services or you are writing stellar content yourself as long as you know how to increase productivity at every stage of the process. Here is how you can get started on the road to productivity that keeps you going without causing burnout.


Planning Phase


The planning phase is crucial and it can help you save time when writing content. The first place you can become productive is when you are brainstorming ideas to write content on. Instead of stopping after finding the one idea that clicks, you should keep writing the ideas that flow to you. This can be beneficial to you in the future as you will have tons of original ideas to choose from. Whenever you have an idea, don’t forget to write it in a diary or somewhere safe.


At the planning stage, you can plan ahead. You can plan when you want to promote content and you can plan when to repurpose your content. This might seem far-fetched but having the basic outline can help you get mentally prepared for content marketing and can save time in the future. You should think about promotion channels and which ones your audiences are on most.


Creating Phase


When you are creating content you must start with an outline because it keeps you focused. If you start without an outline then your writing may not be as focused and this will end up making you waste time in the process. If the research needs to be done and links need to be found, do them before you start your writing process. Think and plan what you might need and do whatever you can to cover those before you start to write.


Most studies agree that long-form content does better than short-form content. And if you are working on long-form content then make sure you do it in breaks rather than in one sitting. When you take breaks every half an hour, it gives you the ability to rest and you might end up with better ideas to approach your writing.


Promoting Phase


You can be productive when it comes to scheduling your posts. You want to be clear about where to post and when you should post. Planning these and going by those planned times can help you stay organized and productive. Do your research about which influencers can help spread the word about your content and contact them in advance.


You don’t need to distribute only brand new content. Remember, you can always repurpose older posts in a new format and re-promote your content. This is especially beneficial if you have a comprehensive guide of several articles. You want to keep things fresh and interesting for your readers. When the promotion is done correctly, you can reap the benefits sooner rather than later.

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